Seventh Generation81. Mary BARBARA SCHAIDT --15 was born on 23 October 1850 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. She was baptized on 31 October 1850 in Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. She died on 17 September 1926 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Mary was buried on 20 September 1926 at Burlington Cemetery in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Mary BARBARA SCHAIDT --15 and Bernhart WILLICH Sr--14 were married on 7 November 1871 in Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Bernhart WILLICH Sr--14 was born on 19 September 1847 in Spellen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He was buried in 1930 at Burlington Cemetery in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. He died on 27 January 1930 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Mary BARBARA SCHAIDT --15 and Bernhart WILLICH Sr--14 had the following children: