Eighth Generation250. Catherine Mary (BUTZ) ITZIN was born on 13 September 1914 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. She was baptized on 20 September 1914 in St Charles, Burlington, Racine Co, WI. She died on 28 April 1968 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Catherine was buried on 1 May 1968 at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Catherine Mary (BUTZ) ITZIN and Robert Theodore Joseph CORBETT were married on 12 June 1937 at St Charles Catholic Church in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Robert Theodore Joseph CORBETT was born on 2 April 1911 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. He was baptized on 9 April 1911 in Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. He died on 26 April 1966 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. Robert was buried in St Mary's Cemetery, Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin. He has reference number C613. Catherine Mary (BUTZ) ITZIN and Robert Theodore Joseph CORBETT had the following children: