Fourth Generation9. Friederich HESS --42 was born on 28 April 1792 in Blankenheimerdorf, Rheinland, Preußen, Germany. He was baptized on 28 April 1792 in Blankenheimerdorf, Rheinland, Preußen, Germany. He died on 27 August 1879 in Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Friederich HESS --42 and Anna GERTRUD ESSER --43 were married on 5 February 1817 in Blankenheim, Rheinland, Preußen, Germany. Anna GERTRUD ESSER --43 was born on 1 February 1790 in Blankenheimerdorf, Rheinland, Preußen, Germany. She was baptized on 2 February 1790 in Blankenheimerdorf, Rheinland, Preußen, Germany. She died on 22 August 1870 in Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Anna was buried on 24 August 1870 at St Francis Xavier in Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Friederich HESS --42 and Anna GERTRUD ESSER --43 had the following children: