Anna Maria MEYER was born on 23 July 1735 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She was also known as Maier in 1755. She died on 21 July 1809 at the age of 73 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridlin MEYER and Anna Maria GILLER.

Children were: Maria Barbara HAURY.

Anna Maria MEYER was born on 17 May 1794 in Manderfeld, Liège, Belgium. She was also known as Mayr in 1850. She died on 10 October 1870 at the age of 76 in Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. Anna was buried on 12 October 1870 at St. Francis Xavier Church, 1704 240th Avenue, Kansasville, WI 53139 in Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Paulus MEYER and Odilla MICHELI.

Spouse: Nicholas SCHOLZEN. Anna Maria MEYER and Nicholas SCHOLZEN were married on 15 August 1821 in Manderfeld, Liège, Belgium. Children were: Johannes SCHOLZEN, John Mathew SCHOLZEN, Anna Maria (Mary Ann) SCHOLZEN, Anton SCHOLZEN, Johann Heinrich SCHOLZEN, SCHOLZEN.

Barbara MEYER was born in 1639 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 12 March 1644 at the age of 5 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Hans MEYER --2172 and Magdalena DEMPFER --2173.

Barbara MEYER was born on 21 November 1647 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Spouse: Hans GERWIG. Barbara MEYER and Hans GERWIG were married on 7 February 1676 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Barbara GERWIG, Johannes GERWIG, Barbara GERWIG, Hans Jakob GERWIG, Elisabeth GERWIG, Fridlin GERWIG, Knabe GERWIG, Catharina (Katharina) GERWIG, Fridlin GERWIG, Anna GERWIG, Fridlin (Fridle, Fridolin) GERWIG.

Spouse: Werner (Werlin) MEYER. Barbara MEYER and Werner (Werlin) MEYER were married on 14 November 1670 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Barbara MEYER, Anna MEYER.

Barbara MEYER was born on 23 March 1649 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabetha SECKINGER.

Spouse: Georg FÜNFSCHILLING. Barbara MEYER and Georg FÜNFSCHILLING were married on 27 February 1671 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Barbara FÜNFSCHILLING.

Barbara MEYER was born in 1668 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 13 June 1741 at the age of 73 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Friedlin MEYER and Barbara SECKINGER.

Barbara MEYER was born on 13 October 1671 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 7 November 1671 at the age of 0 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Werner (Werlin) MEYER and Barbara MEYER.

Barbara MEYER was born on 15 June 1677 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She was also known as Meier in 1750. She died on 19 October 1750 at the age of 73 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Conrad MEYER and Anna Maria SCHMIDLIN.

Barbara MEYER was born on 29 January 1687 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 19 October 1764 at the age of 77 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Adam MEYER and Barbara SUTTER.

Spouse: Fridolin SCHERER. Barbara MEYER and Fridolin SCHERER were married on 9 March 1717 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Fridlin SCHERER, Anna SCHERER, Barbara SCHERER.

Barbara MEYER was born on 1 January 1710 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 31 January 1713 at the age of 3 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Nicolaus (Claus) MEYER and Barbara GERWIG.

Barbara MEYER was born on 3 April 1719 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 19 January 1773 at the age of 53 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Conrad (Conradt, Cunradt) MEYER and Barbara BARTH.

Barbara MEYER was born on 31 July 1720 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died before 1729 at the age of 9 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridolin MEYER and Kunigunda SCHERER.

Barbara MEYER was born on 7 October 1724 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Adam MEYER and Elisabetha (Elsbeth) FUCHS.

Barbara MEYER was born on 10 February 1729 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 6 January 1772 at the age of 42 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridolin MEYER and Kunigunda SCHERER.

Spouse: Johannes SCHERER. Barbara MEYER and Johannes SCHERER were married on 26 March 1754 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Catharina Kunigunda SCHERER, Fridlin SCHERER.

Barbara MEYER was born on 13 August 1760 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 31 October 1818 at the age of 58 in Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Anna Magdalena WAGATZ.

Barbara (Barbell) MEYER was born in 1613 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She was baptized in 1613 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She was also known as Meier in 1613. Barbara died on 31 January 1675 at the age of 62 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridlin MEYER and Chrischona KLEINHANS.

Spouse: Mathis KRAMER. Barbara (Barbell) MEYER and Mathis KRAMER were married on 17 January 1642 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Hans KRAMER.

Barthlin MEYER was born in Switzerland.

Spouse: Anna ITZIN. Children were: Barthlin MEYER.

Barthlin MEYER was born on 23 January 1734 in Oberweiler, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 27 February 1803 at the age of 69 in Oberweiler, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Barthlin MEYER and Anna ITZIN.

Bernadina MEYER (private).

Spouse: Henry SCHOMAKER. Children were: Henry SCHOMAKER.

Burkhard (Burckhard) MEYER was born on 21 February 1661 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 2 September 1708 at the age of 47 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabetha SECKINGER.

Spouse: Margaretha PFÜNDLIN. Margaretha PFÜNDLIN and Burkhard (Burckhard) MEYER were married on 15 January 1686 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Nicolaus MEYER, Nicolaus MEYER, Elisabetha MEYER, Conrad (Conradt, Cunradt) MEYER, Knabe MEYER, Niclaus MEYER, Fridlin MEYER, Margaretha MEYER.

Burkhardt MEYER was born on 24 October 1693 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 11 January 1694 at the age of 0 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabeth MÜLLER.

Burkhardt MEYER was born on 29 January 1713 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 20 October 1716 at the age of 3 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Nicolaus (Claus) MEYER and Barbara GERWIG.

Burkhardt MEYER was born on 17 September 1719 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 7 June 1721 at the age of 1 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Nicolaus (Claus) MEYER and Barbara GERWIG.

Caroline Elizabeth MEYER was born on 4 October 1959. She died on 1 July 2004 at the age of 44.

Spouse: Michael BLANEY. Children were: Cole Conrad BLANEY, Isabella Caroline BLANEY.

Catharina MEYER was born on 27 June 1648 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Friedle MEYER and Dorothea MÜLLER.

Spouse: Heyne (Heinrich) NEEF. Catharina MEYER and Heyne (Heinrich) NEEF were married on 20 November 1671 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Hans NEEF, Fridlin NEEF, Martin NEEF.

Catharina MEYER --543 was born on 16 March 1674 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 26 April 1735 at the age of 61 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridlin MEYER --1086 and Catharina SCHERER --1087.

Spouse: Friedlin NEEF --542. Catharina MEYER --543 and Friedlin NEEF --542 were married on 14 June 1700 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Catharina NEEF, Chrischona NEEF, Magdalena NEEF --271, Fridlin NEEF.

Catharina MEYER was born on 8 May 1690 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Adam MEYER and Barbara SUTTER.

Catharina MEYER was born on 19 March 1717 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died before April 1721 at the age of 4 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridolin MEYER and Agnes GERWIG.

Catharina MEYER was born on 12 April 1721 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. [ThisPerson:casual:poss] surname may have been spelled Mayer. She died on 21 June 1758 at the age of 37 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridolin MEYER and Agnes GERWIG.

Spouse: Moritz LANG. Catharina MEYER and Moritz LANG were married on 23 January 1748 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Anna Catharina LANG.

Catharina Barbara MEYER was born on 3 February 1740 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She was also known as Mayer in 1759. She died on 14 September 1767 at the age of 27 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Johann (Johannes) MEYER and Chrischona SCHERER.

Chrischona MEYER was born about 1640 in Ruemmingen, Loerrach, Baden, Germany. Parents: Friedle MEYER and Dorothea MÜLLER.

Chrischona MEYER was born on 26 January 1643 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 3 November 1709 at the age of 66 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Spouse: Moritz SCHERER. Chrischona MEYER and Moritz SCHERER were married on 24 June 1667 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Johannes (Hans) SCHERER, Moritz SCHERER, Fridlin SCHERER, Anna SCHERER, Werner SCHERER, Verena SCHERER, Nicolaus SCHERER, Elisabetha SCHERER, Chrischona SCHERER.

Chrischona (Chryschona) MEYER was born on 6 October 1722 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 10 February 1793 at the age of 70 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Fridolin MEYER and Agnes GERWIG.

Spouse: Fridolin (Friedle) SCHERER. Chrischona (Chryschona) MEYER and Fridolin (Friedle) SCHERER were married on 26 April 1749 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Fridlin (Fridolin) SCHERER.

Chrischona MEYER was born on 11 September 1761 in Wieslet, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 17 December 1804 at the age of 43 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Johann Friedrich MEYER and Magdalena SCHLEIT.

Spouse: Johann (Hans) Jacob KREBS. Chrischona MEYER and Johann (Hans) Jacob KREBS were married on 13 July 1779 at St. Lawrence (Sankt Laurentius) in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Maria Katharina KREBS , Johann Jakob KREBS, Knabe KREBS, Georg Friedrich KREBS, Anna Magdalena KREBS, Johannes KREBS, Martin KREBS.

In 1901 Christian MEYER was a Hired Coachman (Lohnkutscher) in Mühlhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Spouse: Anna Luise DÖLTER. Anna Luise DÖLTER and Christian MEYER were married. Children were: Ernestine MEYER.

Claus MEYER was born about 1615 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In 1646 he was an a Member of the Court (Gerichtsmann) in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He was also known as Mayer in 1646. Claus died on 17 November 1666 at the age of 51 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Werlin MEYER.

Spouse: Elisabetha SECKINGER. Elisabetha SECKINGER and Claus MEYER were married on 23 November 1646 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Werner (Werlin) MEYER, Barbara MEYER, Claus MEYER, Conrad MEYER, Anna MEYER, Hans Jacob MEYER, Burkhard (Burckhard) MEYER, Stephan MEYER, Anna MEYER.

Claus MEYER was born on 16 April 1651 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 7 March 1703 at the age of 51 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabetha SECKINGER.

Spouse: Elisabeth MÜLLER. Elisabeth MÜLLER and Claus MEYER were married on 18 May 1674 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Niclaus MEYER, Hans Conrad MEYER, Nicolaus (Claus) MEYER, Elisabetha MEYER, Hans Jacob (Hanß) MEYER, Georg MEYER, Burkhardt MEYER, Elisabetha MEYER.

Claus MEYER was born on 15 March 1723 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He was also known as Mayer in 1755. In 1755 he was an a Farmer (Bauer) in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Claus died on 23 September 1808 at the age of 85 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Nicolaus (Claus) MEYER and Barbara GERWIG.

Spouse: Anna Magdalena WAGATZ. Anna Magdalena WAGATZ and Claus MEYER were married on 11 February 1755 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Hans Jerg MEYER, Konrad MEYER, Barbara MEYER, Magdalena MEYER, Claus (Nikolaus) MEYER.

Claus (Nikolaus) MEYER was born on 8 August 1766 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 23 January 1846 at the age of 79 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Anna Magdalena WAGATZ.

Conrad MEYER was born on 7 October 1648 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 2 November 1648 at the age of 0 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Hans MEYER --2172 and Magdalena DEMPFER --2173.

Conrad MEYER was born on 17 October 1653 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 24 July 1705 at the age of 51 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabetha SECKINGER.

Spouse: Anna Maria SCHMIDLIN. Anna Maria SCHMIDLIN and Conrad MEYER were married on 4 September 1676 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Barbara MEYER, Elisabeth MEYER, Anna Maria MEYER, Conrad MEYER.

Conrad MEYER was born on 13 February 1687 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 3 January 1688 at the age of 0 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Conrad MEYER and Anna Maria SCHMIDLIN.

Conrad (Conradt, Cunradt) MEYER was born on 28 July 1695 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 16 July 1769 at the age of 73 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Burkhard (Burckhard) MEYER and Margaretha PFÜNDLIN.

Spouse: Barbara BARTH. Barbara BARTH and Conrad (Conradt, Cunradt) MEYER were married on 23 November 1717 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Nikolaus MEYER, Barbara MEYER.

David MEYER was born on 24 November 1702. He died on 20 October 1778 at the age of 75.

Spouse: Catharina WAGNER. Catharina WAGNER and David MEYER were married on 25 January 1729. Children were: David MEYER.

David MEYER was born on 1 January 1737 in Marzell, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 15 May 1809 at the age of 72 in Malsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: David MEYER and Catharina WAGNER.

Spouse: Anna SCHLEIT. Anna SCHLEIT and David MEYER were married on 24 January 1764 in Marzell, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Maria MEYER.

Dorothea MEYER was born on 1 March 1641 in Rümmingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Friedle MEYER and Dorothea MÜLLER.

Elisabeth MEYER was born on 9 March 1682 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Conrad MEYER and Anna Maria SCHMIDLIN.

Elisabetha MEYER was born on 22 April 1683 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died before 1695 at the age of 12 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabeth MÜLLER.

Elisabetha MEYER was born on 25 July 1692 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She died on 4 May 1747 at the age of 54 in Fischingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Burkhard (Burckhard) MEYER and Margaretha PFÜNDLIN.

Elisabetha MEYER was born on 12 May 1695 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Claus MEYER and Elisabeth MÜLLER.

Spouse: Hans Jacob SECKINGER. Elisabetha MEYER and Hans Jacob SECKINGER were married on 9 March 1717 in Binzen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Children were: Hans SECKINGER.