Eleanora Adelaide ROBERS was born on 26 December 1885 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 27 December 1885 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She died on 30 December 1921 at the age of 36. Parents: John A ROBERS and Margaretha LATTERNER. Euphemia ROBERS was born about 1764 in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. She died on 15 November 1839 at the age of 75 in Ammeloe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Parents: Arnold ROBERS and Agnes WENNING. Feliz H ROBERS was born (date unknown). Parents: Joseph George ROBERS and Mary Anna HEGEMAN. Spouse: Frances Josephine TANKING. Frances Josephine TANKING and Feliz H ROBERS were married on 18 November 1919 in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. Frances C ROBERS was born on 22 January 1902. She was baptized on 26 January 1902 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. She died on 6 February 1980 at the age of 78. Parents: John B (Herman) ROBERS and Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Spouse: Bernard J (Ben) BUSCH. Frances C ROBERS and Bernard J (Ben) BUSCH were married on 21 April 1925. Frank M ROBERS was born on 16 February 1887 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died in 1964 at the age of 77. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Fredolin J ROBERS was born in March 1898. He died on 29 September 1930 at the age of 32. He was buried circa 1 October 1930 at St Joseph Cemetery in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr and Anna Catherine GIES. Spouse: Lorraine HENNINGFIELD. Lorraine HENNINGFIELD and Fredolin J ROBERS were married. George ROBERS was born on 27 September 1888. He witnessed the occupation of Louis Christian (Lewey) ROBERS on 1 June 1905 as a Farm Laborer in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 6 October 1955 at the age of 67. Parents: Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr and Anna Catherine GIES. Spouse: Elizabeth L (Lizzie) KREUSER. Elizabeth L (Lizzie) KREUSER and George ROBERS were married on 9 November 1915. They lived on Church Street in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States in 1922. Children were: Anna Mary Helen (Helen) ROBERS, Viola ROBERS, Perry H ROBERS. Gerhard ROBERS was born (date unknown). Spouse: Julia URSPRUNG. Julia URSPRUNG and Gerhard ROBERS were married. Children were: Herman Charles ROBERS. Gerhard Joan ROBERS was born about 1756 in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Parents: Arnold ROBERS and Agnes WENNING. Gregory James ROBERS (private). Parents: Wallace Elmer ROBERS and Jane Theresa PFANZELTER. Spouse: Julie HEIN. Helen Catherine ROBERS was born on 26 June 1862 in Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 26 June 1862 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Anthony ROBERS and Theresa MUELLER. Henry ROBERS was born on 14 March 1857 in Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 16 March 1857 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Anthony ROBERS and Theresa MUELLER. Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr was born on 2 November 1855 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 4 November 1855 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. On 1 June 1905 he was a Farmer in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Henry died on 14 August 1939 at the age of 83 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Herman ROBERS and Maria EFFING. Spouse: Anna Catherine GIES. Anna Catherine GIES and Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr were married on 24 June 1879 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. They appeared in the census on 1 June 1905 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: Louis Christian (Lewey) ROBERS, Lawrence ROBERS, George ROBERS, Anna Ellen (Aunt Annie) ROBERS, Henry John ROBERS, Fredolin J ROBERS. Henry Herman ROBERS was born on 25 October 1862 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 27 October 1862 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 19 July 1913 at the age of 50 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Henry was buried at St Joseph Cemetery in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John GERHARD ROBERS and Elizabeth STARKE. Spouse: Elizabeth REESMAN. Elizabeth REESMAN and Henry Herman ROBERS were married on 20 February 1893 in Waterford, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Henry John ROBERS was born in October 1895. He died on 27 October 1946 at the age of 51. He was buried circa 29 October 1946 at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr and Anna Catherine GIES. Spouse: Clara S FOX. Clara S FOX and Henry John ROBERS were married. Herman ROBERS was born on 15 March 1824 in Vreden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He died Asthma on 9 December 1890 at the age of 66 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He was buried on 12 December 1890 at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John Heinrich ROBERS and Hermina Aleida HOBING. Spouse: Maria EFFING. Maria EFFING and Herman ROBERS were married on 17 October 1854 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr, John B (Herman) ROBERS. Herman Charles ROBERS was born on 17 October 1904 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 23 October 1904 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 26 May 1980 at the age of 75. Parents: Gerhard ROBERS and Julia URSPRUNG. Spouse: Florence MEYER. Florence MEYER and Herman Charles ROBERS were married on 12 June 1937. Herman Francis (Frank H) ROBERS was born on 7 March 1886. He was baptized on 8 March 1886 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 10 March 1909 at the age of 23. Frank H was buried at St Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John B (Herman) ROBERS and Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Hilda Catherine ROBERS was born on 14 November 1900 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 18 November 1900 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She appeared in the household of John A ROBERS in the census on 4 May 1910 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Hilda died on 1 August 1994 at the age of 93. She was buried at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John A ROBERS and Margaretha LATTERNER. Jacob J (Jake) ROBERS was born on 16 May 1897 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 3 December 1961 at the age of 64. He was buried at St Charles Cemetery in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Spouse: Alice Anna (Adelheide) RICHTER. Alice Anna (Adelheide) RICHTER and Jacob J (Jake) ROBERS were married on 8 June 1926 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: Wallace Elmer ROBERS, Melvin F (Cal) ROBERS, Virginia (Virgie) ROBERS, Annette F (Annie) ROBERS. Joan Hermann ROBERS was born on 20 January 1814 in Klein Mist, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Parents: John Heinrich ROBERS and Hermina Aleida HOBING. Joanna Gertrudis ROBERS was born on 14 January 1776 in Ammeloe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. She died on 4 April 1836 at the age of 60 in Ammeloe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Parents: Arnold ROBERS and Agnes WENNING. Joes Wilhimus Lucas ROBERS was born on 20 August 1768 in Ammeloe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He died on 5 May 1788 at the age of 19 in Ammeloe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Parents: Arnold ROBERS and Agnes WENNING. Johann Gerhard ROBERS was born on 19 July 1829 in Klein Mist, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Parents: John Heinrich ROBERS and Hermina Aleida HOBING. John A ROBERS was born on 29 December 1858 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 29 December 1858 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He appeared in the census on 4 May 1910 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. John appeared in the household of Theodore John ROBERS in the census on 19 April 1930 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Anthony ROBERS and Theresa MUELLER. Spouse: Margaretha LATTERNER. Margaretha LATTERNER and John A ROBERS were married on 10 April 1883 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: Theresa Elizabeth (Tracy) ROBERS, Eleanora Adelaide ROBERS, Clara Susanna ROBERS, Rosanna Magdelena ROBERS, Maria Margaretha ROBERS, Theodore John ROBERS, Loretta Anna (Anna) ROBERS, Hilda Catherine ROBERS. John Anthon ROBERS was born on 24 November 1884 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He appeared in the census on 1 June 1905 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died Tuberculosis on 8 March 1914 at the age of 29. John was buried on 11 March 1914 at St Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Spouse: Maria VOS. Maria VOS and John Anthon ROBERS were married on 20 July 1910 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. John B (Herman) ROBERS was born on 18 January 1858. He was also known as John Herman in 1858. He was baptized on 18 January 1858 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Herman died on 10 February 1929 at the age of 71. He was buried. Parents: Herman ROBERS and Maria EFFING. Spouse: Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP and John B (Herman) ROBERS were married on 19 February 1884 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: William A ROBERS, Herman Francis (Frank H) ROBERS, John Gerhard ROBERS Jr, Albert Henry ROBERS, Bernard John (Ben) ROBERS, Leonard W. ROBERS, Aloysius Henry (Louis) ROBERS, Mary Elizabeth (Mayme) ROBERS, Alphonse John (Ollie) ROBERS, Joseph J ROBERS, Frances C ROBERS. John GERHARD ROBERS was born on 10 October 1833 in Klein Mist, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. He died on 1 November 1893 at the age of 60. He was buried on 4 November 1893 at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John Heinrich ROBERS and Hermina Aleida HOBING. Spouse: Elizabeth STARKE. Elizabeth STARKE and John GERHARD ROBERS were married on 23 June 1857 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: Henry Herman ROBERS, Joseph George ROBERS. John Gerhard ROBERS Jr was born on 24 May 1888. He was baptized on 27 May 1888 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. He lived in Bassett, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States in 1937. John died on 26 February 1957 at the age of 68. Parents: John B (Herman) ROBERS and Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Spouse: Margaret SCHLAX. Margaret SCHLAX and John Gerhard ROBERS Jr were married on 16 February 1916. Spouse: Ruth THORNTON. Ruth THORNTON and John Gerhard ROBERS Jr were married. John Heinrich ROBERS was born on 1 January 1774 in Ammeloe, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. He died on 3 March 1845 at the age of 71 in Germany. Parents: Arnold ROBERS and Agnes WENNING. Spouse: Hermina Aleida HOBING. Hermina Aleida HOBING and John Heinrich ROBERS were married on 24 September 1809. Children were: Agnes Xtnia ROBERS, Anthony ROBERS, Joan Hermann ROBERS, Anna Margareta ROBERS, Anna Maria ROBERS, Anna Christina ROBERS, Herman ROBERS, Anna Christine ROBERS, Johann Gerhard ROBERS, John GERHARD ROBERS. John HERMAN ROBERS was born on 20 December 1853 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 22 December 1853 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 6 August 1928 at the age of 74 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. John was buried at St Joseph Catholic Church, 1540 Mill St. in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Anthony ROBERS and Theresa MUELLER. Spouse: Magdelena LATTERNER. Magdelena LATTERNER and John HERMAN ROBERS were married in February 1884. Children were: Charles A ROBERS, John Anthon ROBERS, Edward G ROBERS, Joseph H ROBERS, Frank M ROBERS, Susan M ROBERS, Carl ROBERS, Agnes F ROBERS, Louise D ROBERS, Martin Pius ROBERS Sr, Jacob J (Jake) ROBERS, Margaret M ROBERS. Joseph George ROBERS was born on 12 May 1866 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 20 May 1866 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. He died from Heart Failure on 29 October 1918 at the age of 52 in Wisconsin, United States. Joseph was buried on 2 November 1918 at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John GERHARD ROBERS and Elizabeth STARKE. Spouse: Mary Anna HEGEMAN. Mary Anna HEGEMAN and Joseph George ROBERS were married on 31 January 1893 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Children were: Feliz H ROBERS. Joseph H ROBERS was born on 24 January 1886 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 13 November 1955 at the age of 69. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Joseph J ROBERS was born on 15 March 1900. He was also known as Joseph Herman on 16 March 1900. He was baptized on 16 March 1900 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Joseph died on 1 April 1964 at the age of 64. He was buried at St Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John B (Herman) ROBERS and Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Lawrence ROBERS was born on 19 September 1884. He died on 10 August 1956 at the age of 71. He was buried circa 13 August 1956 at St Joseph Cemetery in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr and Anna Catherine GIES. Spouse: Gertrude E BORGERT. Gertrude E BORGERT and Lawrence ROBERS were married circa 1913. Leonard W. ROBERS was born on 18 January 1893 in Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. He was baptized on 29 January 1893 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. He was a Farmer. Leonard died on 7 April 1950 at the age of 57. Parents: John B (Herman) ROBERS and Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Spouse: Frances Gertrude KRESKEN. Frances Gertrude KRESKEN and Leonard W. ROBERS were married on 16 May 1916 at St Alphonsus Catholic Church in New Munster, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States. They lived in Salem, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States in 1937. Loretta Anna (Anna) ROBERS was born on 10 December 1897 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 12 December 1897 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She appeared in the household of John A ROBERS in the census on 4 May 1910 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Anna appeared in the household of Theodore John ROBERS in the census on 19 April 1930 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. She died on 16 March 1967 at the age of 69. She was buried at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John A ROBERS and Margaretha LATTERNER. Louis Christian (Lewey) ROBERS was born in July 1882. He witnessed the occupation of Louis Christian (Lewey) ROBERS on 1 June 1905 as a Farm Laborer in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. On 1 June 1905 he was a Farm Laborer in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Lewey died on 21 May 1965 at the age of 82. He was buried circa 24 May 1965 at St Charles Cemetery in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Henry Anthony ROBERS Sr and Anna Catherine GIES. Spouse: Agnes BORGERT. Agnes BORGERT and Louis Christian (Lewey) ROBERS were married circa 1909. Louise D ROBERS was born on 14 August 1893 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. She died on 2 August 1949 at the age of 55 in Canada. She was buried at St Joseph Catholic Church, 1540 Mill St. in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Margaret M ROBERS was born on 31 January 1900 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Maria ROBERS (private). Spouse: Joseph SHAEFER. Children were: Emma Susan (Susan) SHAEFER. Maria Elizabeth ROBERS was born on 6 September 1855 in Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 9 September 1855 in Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Anthony ROBERS and Theresa MUELLER. Maria Margaretha ROBERS was born on 29 May 1892 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 10 June 1892 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She appeared in the household of John A ROBERS in the census on 4 May 1910 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John A ROBERS and Margaretha LATTERNER. Maria Susana (Susan M) ROBERS was born on 26 September 1852 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 3 October 1852 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: Anthony ROBERS and Theresa MUELLER. Martin Pius ROBERS Sr was born on 8 June 1895 in Spring Prairie, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 4 June 1957 at the age of 61. He was buried at St Mary's Catholic Cemetery (God's Acre Cemetery) in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John HERMAN ROBERS and Magdelena LATTERNER. Spouse: Catherine LOIS. Catherine LOIS and Martin Pius ROBERS Sr were married. Mary Elizabeth (Mayme) ROBERS was born on 21 April 1896. She died on 11 December 1946 at the age of 50. She was buried at St Charles Cemetery in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John B (Herman) ROBERS and Christina (Schmidtkamp) SCHMIDKAMP. Spouse: Edmond Joseph PENNEFEATHER. Mary Elizabeth (Mayme) ROBERS and Edmond Joseph PENNEFEATHER were married on 10 January 1928. Melvin F (Cal) ROBERS was born on 16 October 1932. He died on 22 December 1995 at the age of 63. Parents: Jacob J (Jake) ROBERS and Alice Anna (Adelheide) RICHTER. Spouse: Carol Ann HAWKINS. Carol Ann HAWKINS and Melvin F (Cal) ROBERS were married. Pamela Ann ROBERS (private). Parents: Wallace Elmer ROBERS and Jane Theresa PFANZELTER. Perry H ROBERS was born on 18 May 1923 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. He died on 21 July 1982 at the age of 59. Parents: George ROBERS and Elizabeth L (Lizzie) KREUSER. Rosanna Magdelena ROBERS was born on 11 May 1890 in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She was baptized on 15 May 1890 at Immaculate Conception/St Mary's, 108 Mchenry St, in Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin, United States. She appeared in the household of John A ROBERS in the census on 4 May 1910 in Lyons, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. Parents: John A ROBERS and Margaretha LATTERNER. |